Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Embedding data in workflow

SourceQnA in Knime forum

Contributor ID: 

To embed data in workflow, so it can be distribute with the workflow package zip file.

Create a directory with files underneath the directory containing the node artifacts for a workflow, the "knime.node" flow variable will be populated the next time you edit the node.
The folder you create within the node's folder has to be named "drop". Otherwise when you save the workspace whatever folders/files you add get deleted.

Not yet

Monday, January 9, 2012

Typical workflow for test on specific Culumn

Contributor ID: James Davidson


Derive a new column from a test on existing column

1. Use [Row Filter] to do the test and split (with Include & exclude) the original table
2. Use [Java snippet] to generate the value for the new column
3. Use [Concatenate] to merge table back

1. In some case, [Joiner] my be a shortcut for the goal
2. Do not known whether it is the best solution, since I am just a beginner

Download James's Package

Friday, January 6, 2012

Remove empty columns in Knime

Delete the columns comprise of blank value (0, NaN, NA, NULL or fix string)

1. If the target is number column (double or int), use [Low Variance Filter] node
2. Use [Transpose] + [Row Filter] + [Transpose] , suggested by
3. Use code snippet in scripts: R, JPyhton, and Java to deal the table

None of the three works for me.
1. My target columns are string type. [String to Number] node need to be wired to source column manually.
It does not make sense if I have tons of empty columns.
2. Missing Value in [Row filter]'s setting only works on specific column, which implies it is not an automation.
3. I can write R, Python or script outside Knime to do filtering.

Final solution
1.  Pre-process the CSV file outside Knime
2. Manually skip the column in [File Reader] setting.