Monday, December 29, 2014

SQL script to profile data in table

Script below can be useful to produce a summary of columns in a table.
When we get a new data sources without sufficient document, this script can help us to list the number of NULLs and distinct values, as well as to list the top 50 unique values of a column.

Please download the SQL script: ProfileTable.sql

Use stored procedure in Tableau to optimize consultant practice

The typical workflow of consulting service can be labor-intensive and error-prone. We need to copy data among applications, set up calc sheet in Excel, snip Tableau screenshot, and finally to make the slides reflect the correct information scattered in modeling tools, database, and spread sheets.
What if we simplify the workflow by removing some applications, say, Excel.  
So, here is a proposal to move the calculation in Excel into SQL database with the feature of stored procedure support in Tableau 8.1 and later. 

What if we go even further, say, replace PowerPoint slides with Tableau Story Points.